Terms Consulting

Terms Consulting


These terms are between Yolk Agency Pty Ltd (Yolk Agency/we/us/our) and the Client Employer (you/your) and specify the terms upon which Yolk Agency will provide services to you unless new Terms and Conditions are notified to you in writing. Acceptance of terms and conditions: You will be taken to have accepted these Terms and Conditions once you have signed these terms and conditions.

Project’s scope:

Project scope will be provided.

Your Obligations:

Once a signed contract and project process has begun and should you choose to change your mind on scope and the key criteria is now not deliverable in accordance to original contract because of these changes OR there is extra work on top of the already agreed contract Yolk Agency reserves the right to cease work immediately.

Upon changing your mind Yolk Agency will in all circumstances we give you these alternatives.

  1. You will be billed for the hours spent on the project thus far and Yolk Agency must be paid for in accordance with the payment obligations. Yolk Agency reserves the right to not to continue the process if Yolk Agency does not wish to.
  2. If you choose to continue the project is to be re-scoped and evaluated. A new project contract in accordance with the payment obligations will be drafted.
  3. New contracts stating the project’s new scope and intent, and defined strict measurable key criteria is put forward by Yolk Agency.
  4. If any third parties have incomplete or completed work you agree to pay in full as in 1 and are still payable in accordance with the payment obligations.
  5. Hourly rates for incomplete or completed work are still payable as in accordance with the payment obligations as prescribed in the above point 1.


Yolk Agency will keep a timesheet for all hours worked.


Contract is valid for 30 days from project scope date.

Payment Obligations:

You will be invoiced for work at the end of the consult and will be payable within 14 days.
In the event of non-payment of its fees, Yolk Agency reserves the right to pass on and collect any fees or charges incurred in the collection of the outstanding debt including any legal or collection agency costs.
All invoices are payable within fourteen (14) days of their date.
Any other additional costs or variations agreed to by you in writing and incurred by Yolk Agency in the course of service delivery will be quoted and invoiced to you. Any disputes are managed in the state of Victoria, Australia.


Yolk Agency is required to respect and protect the privacy of the clients at all times. Yolk Agency is not liable for any claim arising from your dealings with one of its suppliers or recommended suppliers.
We will always put forward a confidentiality agreement for all parties to sign to protect your company’s private information and intellectual property. We will advise all clients for the vacancy of information that we or they may require to adequately assess their interest in and suitability for the consultancy. All the information given to Yolk agency by clients is for the purpose of the consultancy and no more and must be kept safe and confidential at all times.

Our Obligations and Relationships with you regarding Anti-Discrimination Laws:

In working with clients and suppliers, we will not discriminate against a client or supplier on any of the following attributes: age, breastfeeding, carer or parental status, an irrelevant criminal record, impairment, gender identity, industrial activity, lawful sexual activity, marital status, physical features, political belief or activity, pregnancy, race, religious beliefs or activities, sex, sexual orientation or personal association with a person who is identified by any of the attributes listed in this paragraph. We remind you that to do so is unlawful.


You are authorised to accept the Yolk Agency Terms & Conditions – Consulting.
You are agreeing to the project scope document and deliverables.
Yolk Agency is not liable for any claim arising from your dealings with one of its suppliers or recommended suppliers.
Yolk is not liable for advice or recommendations given to the client employer (You) during the evaluation process.
As agreed Yolk Agency’s obligations are to fulfill the project scope and deliverables.